Monday, 15 October 2012

unlawful arrest of Meinl? suit fails

Meinl fails in suit against referees

Meinl Bank has failed in its action for damages against the appraiser Thomas Havranek, the former expert in the MEL investors affair. The reported the news magazine "profil".

One of Havranek (this was later dismissed as an expert) created from the perspective of the report had led to the arrest of lawyers Meinl Julius Meinl V in 2009. The resulting damage to their image of the Bank have caused damage worth millions - was sued for damages in the amount of 10 million euros.

Last Friday, the procedure was closed at the first Diet, writes "profile". "It was Julius Meinl and Meinl Bank is not possible to justify the action or conclusively to prove the damage," Havránek lawyer Andreas Rabl is quoted. The judgment in the first instance be launched in the coming weeks.

Meinl Bank is judgment "analyze"
"(...) The bank is the gegentständliche judgment - if it exists - analyze and take appropriate legal responses. It goes against common sense to assume that an unlawful pre-trial arrestsand a unique absurd deposit do no harm. (...) ", It said in a reaction against Meinl Bank

The Vorgutachten of abberufenen for bias experts Havranek had been used as the main reasons for the pre-trial detention and the "absurdly high" deposit of 100 million euros against Julius Meinl, who was unlawfully in the opinion of jurists Heinz Mayer, says the Statement of the Bank.

Under investigation for years
The investigations against Julius Meinl and other managers around Meinl European Land (MEL) / Meinl Bank run now for nearly five years. Havranek was in the summer of 2008, appointed by the prosecution as an expert witness.

He should consider the connection between Meinl European Land, Meinl Bank and Julius Meinl V. Be introduced on 1 Vorgutachten April 2009 on the arrest of the Bankers. Meinl came after the deposit of a 100 million euro high bail again. This is still in the hands of justice - read more in 100 million: Meinl wants deposit back.

In February 2009, Meinl Bank Stelte a rejection request for bias against Havranek. This was granted in September 2009. Meanwhile, in the matter of the third appraiser is on the train. The defendants themselves reject all accusations. It is presumed innocent. And Meinl Bank raises its part, the prosecution continued breaking the law and harming the bank - more moves to Meinl before Court of Human Rights.

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